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Full text of "US Patent 2600818: Air-drying wrinkle finish and method of making"

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Patented June 17, 1952 2,600,818 


Willim A. Waldie, Oakwood, Ohio, assignor t 
New Wrinkle, Inc., Wilmington, Del., a corpora- 
tion of Delaware 
No Drawing. Application September 18, 1947, 
Serial No. 774,899 
11 Claims. (CI. 260m18) 

This invention deals with a wrinkle coating 
composition and a process of manufacturing if. 
In most .of the wrinkle coating compositions 
used heretofore if bas been necessary to subject 
the off and sometimes also the final composition 
fo a cooking process in order fo obtain a wrinkle- 
textured surface. This cooking step not only pro- 
longs the process of manufacture, but also in- 
creases the cost and requires additional care. 
Moreover, the coatings prepared from the com- 
positions used heretofore bave fo be dried by 
forced means süch as by heating in an oven by 
infra-red light or the like. 
It is an object of this nvention fo provide 
wrinkle coating compositions for the preparation 
and application of which hardly any heating is 
It ls an object of th invention fo provide 
wrnkle coating compositions which are air-dry- 
If is an object of this invention fo provide 
wrinkle coating compositions in which no heat 
is required for the blendIng step, slnce the mix- 
ing of the ingredients ls carried out at room tem- 
If is another object of this invention to pro- 
vide wrinkle coating compositions which dry fo 
hard wrinkle-textured coatIngs af room tempera- 
ture in a relatively short rime. 
It Is still another object of this nventlon fo 
provide wrinkle coating compositions whlch yield 
coatngs having a gret hardness and a long serv- 
ice lire. 
These and other objects are accomplished, by 
cold-blending a non-wrinkling varnIsh with raw 
tung off. 
If was quite unexpected and surprising fo find 
that by merely mixing these materlals which per 
se are non-wrinkllng, products are obtained which 
dry withou any application of heat thereby form- 
Ing coatings with a uniform wrinkle texture and 
of great hardness. A process for the production 
of wrinkle finishes bas thus been devised by this 
invention which ls characterized by great sim- 
plicity and low cost. 
Quantifies ranging from 1 gallon fo 10 gallons 
of non-wrlnkling varnish per 1 gallon of raw 
tung off may be used. The higher the off con- 
tent, the more pronounced the wrinkling texture. 
The varnishes used for the compositions of my 
invention comprise from 8 fo 12 gallons of oiticica 
off, 100 pounds of phenol formaldetyde resIn, 
from 1 to 3 pounds of a hardening material such 
as litharge, red lead or the like, and from 12 fo. 20 
gallons of thinner, such as xylol, toluol, solvent 
naphtha, high fiash coal tut naphtha, hydrogen- 

ated naphtha, petroleum r thinner or a mixture 
of any of such thinners. In preparing the var- 
nishes the resin and the off are first heated fo- 
gerber fo approximately 450 ° F.; thereafter the 
5 hardening substance is added and the mixture 
heated fo a temlerature ranging from 490 ° fo 
500 ° 1. This temperature is held until a tough 
and hard pill is obtained on a glass plate, which 
takes about from 30 minutes to one hour. The 
10 mixture  then allowed to cool to 350 ° 1. when 
the thinner is added. In spire of the use of 
oiticica off, and in spire of the varnish being sub- 
jected fo a cooking process, the final product ob- 
tained is of the non-wrinkling type. 
15 If a colored coating ls to be produced, the addi- 
tion of a coloring laste is necessary. Such a 
çaste preferably contains alproximately equal 
amounts of filler and coloring marrer together 
with a small quantity of non-wrinklng varnish 
20 and with thinner material which is preferably a 
highly volatile solvent. 
The filler materials round particularly suit- 
able are asbestine, silex, diatomaceous earth, 
blanc fixe, or mixtures of these or other known 
25 inorganic filler materials. 
Coloring materials which bave been round op- 
erative for the invention are the various grades 
of carbon black, chrome yellow, chrome green, 
Iron pigments, titanium oxide, iron blues, orga.nic 
30 toners and the like. 
The coating composition may be applied to the 
article fo be provided with a wrinkle-textured 
film by any method known in the art; brushing, 
immersing and spraying, for instance, are satis- 
35 factory. However, application by spraylng Is the 
lreferred method. 
In the following, a few examples for the new 
coating compositions are given as preferred em- 
bodiments of my invention. These examples are 
40 by no means limitative but are fo serve merely 
as illustration. 
43 A varnish was prepared by first heating a mix- 
ture of 100 pounds of rosn-modified phenol form- 
aldehyde resin and 10 gallons of oiticica oil to 
approximately 450 ° 1. and then adding under 
50 stlrring 2 pounds of litharge. This mixture was 
then heated fo 500 ° 1. for about 45 minuteswhen 
a pill thereof applied fo a glass plate and cooled 
showed a tough and hard consistency. There- 
after the batch was allowed fo cool fo approxi- 
55 mately 350 ° F.; 5 gallons of xylol and 10 gallons 
of toluol were then added: .. 


(b ) Colorrg paste 
16 pounds of asbestine, 
16 pounds of lamp black, 
8 gallons of the varnish described under (a), and 
4 gallons of mineral spi2its 
were mixed and ground fo a homogeneous paste. 
(c) Wrinkle coating composi$ion 
122 pounds of the paste described under (b), 
10 gallons of the varnish described under (a), 
8 gallons of raw tung off, 
6 gallons of xylol, 


wrinkle-textured surface, was of black color and 
had a hard consistency. 
(a) Varnish 
The same varnish was used as described under 
(a) of Example I. 
(b) Coloring passe 
No coloring paste was used in this instance. 
(c) Wrinkle coating composition 
2 gallons of the varnls], 

2 gallons of butanol, and 1 gallon of raw tung off, 
0.5 gal]on of a 6% so]ut!on of manganese naph- 15 0.5 gallon ofxylol, 
thenate 0.25 Sallon of butanol, and 

were blended af room temperature. A coating ob- 
tained with this mixture dried in 16 hours fo form 
a hard film of black color and uniform wrinkle 
(a) Varnish 
The saine varnish was used in this instance as 
described under (a) of Example I. 5 
(b) Coloring passe 
For the purpose of preparing a coating of white 
color, a paste was mixed and ground from 
64 pounds of titanium oxide, 
64 pounds of asbestine, 
8 gallons of varnish as described under (a) of Ex- 
emple I, and 
4 gallons of mineral spirits . 
(c) Wrinle coaig composion 
12 pounds of the white paste set ïorth under (b) 
of Example II, 
1.25 gallons of varnish,  :- 
1 gallon of raw tung Oil, 
0.75 gallon of xylol, 
0.25 gallon of butanol, and 
0.06 gallon of a 6% solution of mangànesè naph- 
thenate 45 
were mixed at room temperature. A coating ob- 
tained with this composition dried after 21 hours 
and yielded a white coating of great hardness 
with a surface of a fine, uniïorm wrinkle texture. 
(a) Varnish 
The saine varnih wàs used in this instance as - 
described under (a) of Example I. 5 
(b) Coloring passe 
16 pounds Of asbestine, 
16 pounds of lamp black, 
4 gallons of varnish, and 6O 
4 gallons of mineral spirits 
were mixed and ground lnto a uniform paste. 
(c) Wrinkle coaing co.mosiion 
9 pounds of the paste described under (b), 65 
1.75 gallons of varnish, 
1 gallon of raw tung off, 
0.75 g.allon of xylol, 
0.25 gallon of butanol, and 
0.06 gallon of a 6% solution of manganese naph- 70 
were mixed af room temperature. The drying 
rime of a coating obtalned ïrom this composition 
was 18 hours. The coating had a uniformlF 75 

0.125 gallon of a 6% solution of manganee naph- 
2O were mixed at room temperature..A coating pre- 
pared ïrom this composition was dry and hard 
after 20 hours and showed a fine wrinkle texture. 
(a) Varnish 
A varnish was prepared by the method de- 
scribed in Example I, The ingredients used in 
this instance, however, were as follows: 
100 pounds of phenyl phenol formaldehyde resin 
10 gallons of oiticica off 
2 pounds of red lead 
5 gallons of xylol 
10 gallons of toluol 
(b) Coloring passe 
No paste was used in this instance. 
(c) Wrinkle composition 
2.25 gallons of the varnish, 
0.5 gallon of raw tung off, 
0.75 gallon of xylol, 
0.25 gallon of butanol, and 
0.06 gallon of a 6% solution of manganese naph- 
were mixed af room temperature. A coating was 
prepared from this composition; if dried after 16 
hours. The hardness was satisfactory and the 
texture coarse and uniform, 
(a) Varnish 
The same varnish was used in this instance as 
described under (a) of Ex.ample I. 
(b) Coloring paste 
16 pounds of asbestine, 
16 pounds of lamp black, 
4 gallons of raw tung off, and 
5 gallons of mineral spirits 
were mixed and ground. 
(c) Wrinkle coating composition 
28 pounds of the paste described under 
9 gallons of the varnish, 
1 gallon of raw tung off, 
3 gallons of xylol, 
1 gallon of butanol, and 
0.25 gallon of a 6 % solution of manganese naph- 
were mixed af room temperature. The drying 
rime of a coating prepared from this composition 
was 22 hours. The wrinkle texture ws,s uniform 
and the hardnesS satisfactory, 


It wtll be understood that whlle .there hve been 
descrtbed herein certain embodiments of my in- 
vention, tf is not intended therebY to bave the 
inveniion limited fo the speciflc detalls given in 
view of the fact that if is susceptible to various 
modifications and changes which corne within the 
spirit of the specification and the scopo of the 
appended .claires. 
I claire: 
1. A new air-drying wrink.ling coating compo- 
sition comprlsing a cold blend of 10 gallons of 
v.amish, 122 pounds of a coloring past, 8 gallons 
of raw tung oil, 6 gallons of xylol, 2 gallons of 
butanol and 0.5 gallon of ' 6% solution of man- 
ganese naphthenate, sald varntsh consisting of 
a heat reaction product of 100 pounds of rosin- 
modifled phenol formaldehyde resin, 10 gallons of 
oiticica oil, 2 pounds of litharge, 5 gallons of 
xylol and 10 gallons of toluol, and said colorlng 
paste consisting of 16 pounds of asbestine, 16 
pounds of lamp black, 8 gallons of said varnish 
and 4 gallons of mlneral spirlts. 
2. A new air-drying wrinkling coating compo- 
sition consisting of a cold mixture of 12 pounds 
of a coloring peste, 1.25 gallons of varnish, 1 
gallon of raw tung oll, 0.75 gallon of xylol, 0.25 
gallon of butanol and 0.06 gallon of a 6% solu- 
tion of manganese naphthenate, sald varnish 
consisting of a heat reaction product of 100 
pounds of rosin-modified phenol formaldehyde 
resin, 10 gallons of olticica oil, 2 pounds of 
lttharge, 5 gallons of xylol and 10 gallons of toluol, 
and said coloring paste consisting of 64 pounds of 
titanium oxide, 64 pounds of asbestine, 8 gallons 
of said varnish, and 4 gallons of mineral spirits. 
3. A new air-drying wrinkllng coating compo- 
sition consisting of 9 pounds of coloring paste, 
1.75 gallons of varnish, 1 gallon of raw tung oil, 
0.75 gallon of xylol, 0.25 gallon of butanol and 
0.06 gallon of a 6% solution of manganese naph- 
thenate, said varnish consisting of a heat reaction 
product of 100 pounds of rosin-modified phenol 
formaldehyde resin, 10 gallons of oiticica oll, 2 
pounds of litharge, 5 gallons of xylol and 10 gal- 
fous of toluol, and said coloring paste consisting 
of 16 pounds of asbestine, 16 pounds of lamp 
black, 4 gallons of said varnish and 4 gallons of 
mineral spirits. 
4. A new air-drying wrinkling coating compo- 
sition consisting of 2 gallons of varnish, 1 gallon 
of raw tung oil, 0.75 gallon of xylol, 0.25 gallon of 
butanol and 0.125 gallon of a 6% solution of man- 
ganese naphthenate, said varnish consisting of a 
heat reaction product of 100 pounds of rosin 
modified phenol formaldehyde resin, 10 gallons 
of oiticica oil, 2 pounds of litharge, 5 gallons of 
xylol and 10 gallons of toluol. 
5. A new alr-drying wrtnkling coating compo 
sitlon consistlng of 2.25 gallons of varnish, 0.5 
gallon of raw tung oil, 0.75 gallon of xylol, 0.25 
gallon of butanol and 0.06 gallon of a 6% solu- 
tion of manganese naphthenate, said varnish con- 
sisng of 100pounds of phenyl phenol formalde- 
hyde resin, 10 gallons of oiticica oil, 2 pounds of 
red lead, 5 gallons of xylol and 10 gallons of 
6. A new air-drylng wrinkling coating compo- 
sition comprising a cold blend of from 1 to 10 gal- 
lons of non-wrinkling varnish and about 1 gallon 
of raw tung oil, said varnish consisting of the 
heat reaction product of oil soluble phenol forrn- 

aldehyde condensation resin, otticica oil and hard- 
ening material selected from the group consis- 
ing of litharge and red lead. 
7. A new air-drying wrinkling coating compo- 
5 sition comprising a cold blend of from 1 fo 10 gal- 
lons of non-wrinkling varnish and about I gallon 
of raw tung oil, sald varnish consisting of the 
heat reaction product of 100 pounds oii soluble 
phenol formaldehyde condensation resin, 8 to 12 
10 gallons of oiticica oi1, 1 to 3 pounds of harden- 
ing material selected from the group consisting 
of litharge and red lead, and 12 fo 20 gallons of 
8. A new air-drying wrinkling coattng compo- 
15 sition comprising a cold blend of from 1 o 10 
gallons of non-wrinkling varnish, about I gallon 
of raw tung oil and a coloring paste, sald varnish 
consisting of the heat reaction product of oll 
soluble phenol formaldehyde condensation resin, 
20 oiticica oii and hardening material selected from 
the group consisting of litharge and red lead. 
9. A new air-drying wrinkling coating compo- 
sition comprising a cold blend of from 1 fo 10 gal- 
lons of non-wrinkling varnish, about 1 gallon of 
25 raw tung oil and a coloring peste comprising ap- 
proximaiely equal amounts of filler and coloring 
marrer and including oiiicica oil and ihinner, 
said non-wrinkling varnish consisting of the heat 
reaction product of oil soluble phenol formalde- 
30 hyde condensation resin, oiiicica oil and harden- 
 ing material selected from the group conststing 
of liiharge and red lead. 
10. A new atr-drying wrinkling coating compo- 
sition comprising a cold blend of from 1 fo 10 gal- 
35 lons of non-wrinkling varnish, about 1 gallon of 
raw tung oil and a coloring pasie comprising ap- 
proximately equal amounts of filler and coloring 
marrer and including said non-wrinkling varnish 
and thinner, said non-wrinkling varnish consist- 
40 ing of the heat reaction product of oil soluble 
phenol formaldehyde condensation resin, oiticica 
oil and hardening material selected £rom the 
group consisting oZ litharge and red lead. 
11. A method of preparing an air-drying wrin- 
45 kle coating composition comprising the steps of 
heating oil soluble phenol formaldehyde conden- 
sation resin and oiticica oil and hardening mate- 
rial selected from the group consisting of litharge 
and red lead together to forma non-wrinkling 
50 varnish, and thereafter cold blending about 1 to 
10 gallons of the varnish with about 1 gallon of 
raw tung oll. 
The ollowing references are of record in the 
lïle of this ptent: 
6O Number Naine Date 
1,831,323 Roof .............. Nov. 10, 1931 
2,069,252 Kittredge et al ....... Feb. 2, 1937 
2,124,703 Kittredge .......... July 26, 1938 
2,455,541 Waldie ............. Dec. 7, 1948 
Number Country Date 
547,321 Great Britain ...... Aug. 24, 1942 
The Oil and Colour Trades Journal, July 19, 
1935, pages 175 fo 177.